What does ethics in aviation means to you?

Hello everyone,

To me, ethics in aviation means discipline. As a pilot or even an aviation enthusiast, one can see how the aviation industry evolves daily. Like many other professionals in the field, I must keep my knowledge up to date with all current information throughout its development, regardless of the information that I should be aware of that is not new. Positioning me in the pilot seat means the airline put their trust in me with the lives of my passengers and the airline equipment. In my view, as a professional, I am being expected to constantly push myself to the limit in keeping my knowledge fresh and current. That expectation, translated to discipline, is what aviation ethics means to me.



Benton, P. A. (n.d.). Ethics in aviation education. Scholarly Commons. Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://doi.org/10.15394/jaaer.1995.1147



פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

The Federal Aviation Act of 1958

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