Noise Abatement

 Airplanes are noisy. Either on idle power or during a takeoff run, or even with the engines off, and only the Auxilary Power Unit (APU) is running, airplanes still make much noise.


Over the last decades, with the drastic growth in population and the increasing demand for air traffic services, residential areas nowadays are closer to airports and significantly affected by noise pollution, created by various types of airplanes, either small GA planes, medium or heavy jets.


A340 On Final Over Hong Kong

Academic studies have shown that continuous exposure to noise pollution may cause significant health issues such as hearing problems, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal problems. In addition, noise may cause interference with communication, sleep deprivation, poor performance at work and in school due to lack of concentration, and general annoyance. It is estimated that more than ten million Americans have noise-induced hearing loss, and twenty million are exposed to potentially damaging noise levels. (Ganic, 2016).


Distribution of number of airports in various regions that applied certain Noise Abatement Measures (NAM)

Due to the increase in noise complaints, regulators worldwide started to impose different restrictions on airport operations to reduce the potential noise hazards and complaints. (Falzone, 1999). Various measures have been applied to eliminate aircraft noise, such as noise abatement procedures, engine run-up restrictions, preferential runways, airport hours of operation curfews, noise charges, APU operating restrictions, noise level limits, and more.



Nowadays, the authorities are more restrictive and enforcing these noise restrictions to ensure the airport users adhere to the regulations, as long as it does not compromise flight safety.


KSNA Orange County Airport Special Departure Procedure

An excellent example of a particular noise abatement departure is California's Orange County Airport (KSNA). Since the airport is located in proximity to a neighborhood, airplanes must comply with specific rules to operate flights from Orange County Airport. Besides the restricted hours of operation, airplanes are mandated to initially climb in a non-standard pitch attitude to gain the most altitude as soon as possible.


To be proficient in this complex departure procedure, pilots need to brief the procedure carefully. Some airlines even require crewmembers to go through KSNA noise abatement special training to ensure proper compliance with the particular procedure and emergency procedures in case of an engine failure on climb-out.



Ganic, E., Dobrota, M., & Babic, O. (2016). Noise abatement measures at airports: Contributing factors and mutual dependence. Applied Acoustics. Retrieved from

Falzone, K. L. (1999). Airport noise pollution: Is there a solution in sight. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 26(4), 769-807. Retrieved from


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

The Federal Aviation Act of 1958