
מציג פוסטים מתאריך מרץ, 2022

Wind Shear

  Wind shear is a sudden, drastic change in wind speed and/or direction over a very small area. (FAA, 2016). Low-Level Wind Shear (LLWS) considered one of the most hazardous weather phenomena due to the proximity of airplanes to the ground when encountering a wind shear. Pilots need to be well trained to react immediately when encountering a wind shear, as those sudden changes are rapidly affecting the airplane's performance and cause changes to the airplane attitude, including violent updrafts, downdrafts and abrupt horizontal movement. Low-Level Windshear The most severe type of wind shear is a Microburst. A microburst is an aggressive degradation in performance that can produce downdrafts of up to 6000 feet per minute in a lifespan of 5 to 15 minutes. The effects of microburst winds consist of performance increasing headwind, followed by a downdraft, and performance decreasing tailwind. Therefore, encountering a microburst during the initial climb after take-off or on a final ap...

Air Traffic Control

  Air Traffic Control Entities The Air Traffic Control (ATC) system is an essential management infrastructure that provides traffic advisories and increases aviation safety throughout the world by using several monitoring techniques and technologies. By managing separations of aircraft and air traffic flow, the ATC system plays an important role in the safety and productivity of airline services and the accessibility of airline services for passengers and freight. (Arblaster, 2018). Air Traffic Controller Since the Air Traffic Control system has multiple and heavy responsibilities over managing high volumes of traffic throughout different locations and sectors, the entire comprehensive infrastructure was built under several entities that allow ATC agencies to specialize in particular fields and provide better traffic management services in all phases of flight, from pushback from the gate until reaching the parking spot at the destination. FAA Terminal Radar Control Facility The m...

Noise Abatement

  Airplanes are noisy. Either on idle power or during a takeoff run, or even with the engines off, and only the Auxilary Power Unit (APU) is running, airplanes still make much noise.   Over the last decades, with the drastic growth in population and the increasing demand for air traffic services, residential areas nowadays are closer to airports and significantly affected by noise pollution, created by various types of airplanes, either small GA planes, medium or heavy jets.   A340 On Final Over Hong Kong Academic studies have shown that continuous exposure to noise pollution may cause significant health issues such as hearing problems, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal problems. In addition, noise may cause interference with communication, sleep deprivation, poor performance at work and in school due to lack of concentration, and general annoyance. It is estimated that more than ten million Americans have noise-induced hearing loss, and twe...