The Pitot-Static System
The Pitot-Static system is the name of a combined system that measures dynamic and static pressure changes during the movement of the aircraft through the air. Those pressure measurements provide critical flight data to multiple primary and secondary flight instruments such as the Altimeter, Airspeed Indicator, and the Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI). A failure of the Pitot-Static system can reflect the pilot an unreliable critical flight data such as false airspeed and altitude settings and trends. In order to ensure a safe operation, pilots are required to be able to recognize Pitot-Static system failures and possible mitigation strategies in case of that kind of a threat. Altimeter, Airspeed Indicator, Vertical Speed Indicator Pitot Tube The pitot tube measures dynamic pressure that is being imposed on an aircraft when it is moving through the air. Pitot-Tube is interconnected with the static port and calculates the total of the Dynamic pressure and the Static pressure to...